It's UWAweek 17 (1st semester, week 8)


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 UWA week 17 (1st semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 3:57pm Fri 26th Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote The longest in the Transperth dataset appears to be 'St Georges Tce Before William St Eastbound', so if we set the max to be 60 chars we'll be safe. (not a fan of dynamic memory?)

SVG not supported 3:32pm Fri 26th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hi, is there a maximum length of a station name? Thank you

SVG not supported 2:56pm Fri 26th Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote You must be looking in the Transperth data, already. Yes, we'll just ignore any trips starting or finishing after midnight.

SVG not supported 11:30am Fri 26th Apr, Ethan vB.

Thanks for your help

SVG not supported 9:45am Fri 26th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Some timetables go past midnight and will say, for example, "24 16". Should we discard these times or keep them?

SVG not supported 6:57am Fri 26th Apr, Christopher M.

Hello Ethan, Let's assume (guarantee) that every journey can be completed on the day it was started - if a requested journey can't be completed by 11 59PM any day, then it "doesn't exist", and that condition should be reported back via the web-browse...

SVG not supported 6:53am Fri 26th Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote The project requires two or more programs to communicate across a network. If all goes well - great - and the successes will be the correct meaningful results. But a number of things can go wrong - network messages not delivered, inva...

SVG not supported 8:44pm Thu 25th Apr, Ethan vB.

Hi, Just checking, but if you reach an intermediate station at 10pm, and the last train was at 9pm, should you wait until the next train at 6am the next day, or just say you cannot get to the destination? (Also, can we assume that the timetable will be...

SVG not supported 3:58pm Thu 25th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hi, this is referring to the clarifications page of the project. At the bottom of the page, we are told to focus on a couple questions. One of these questions is How will success and failures be communicated? I was just wondering what is meant by succe...

SVG not supported 8:02am Thu 25th Apr, Christopher M.

Hello, ANONYMOUS wrote Not sure what you mean by 'hints' here. For the project, you may assume that all addresses in use are IPv4, as not all (limited) devices support IPv6 and not all systems choose to enable support it by default. They should all be ...

SVG not supported 7:33am Thu 25th Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote Each station-server will be reading its station's timetable information from a file on the local disk. The file's name will not change. At any time, that file's contents may be updated to provide new timetable information, that should ...

SVG not supported 7:26am Thu 25th Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote This is a very relevant question, and a good one to be asked at this stage, but it's the sort of question you should be discussing with your team members (please).

SVG not supported 8:29pm Wed 24th Apr, William R.

ANONYMOUS wrote 3. each station server will accept queries about its timetable data from a standard web-browser (a passenger making a query from their mobile phone). The query and reply will be transmitted using the (minimum amount necessary of the) ...

SVG not supported 5:10pm Wed 24th Apr, ANONYMOUS

no station server should ever contain all knowledge about the whole network, timetabling data, or network connections. Each station's timetabling data, recorded in one textfile for each station, may change at any time (for example, if a bus breaks do...

SVG not supported 2:12pm Wed 24th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Which framework is best for this project socket or socketserver? They both seem to both have advantages and disadvantages

SVG not supported 11:43am Wed 24th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I have a bunch of questions and I thought I'd just make one post instead of many small ones. 1) What kind of hints should we use for sockets? Does supporting IPv4 6 matter? In the real world, is there such thing as a device that only uses IPv4 or ...

SVG not supported 11:54am Tue 23rd Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote The fastest journey is one that arrives at the destination soonest - even if you have to wait around at the starting platform before the first leg.

SVG not supported 10:18am Tue 23rd Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hi Chris, hoping for clarification on the following dot point Ideally, the returned result will be the fastest journey - even if it leaves later or includes more segments (hops) than other journeys (but firstly, just report any any valid journey ) S...

SVG not supported 8:50am Tue 23rd Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote Yes, that's exactly as expected. That is what the web-browser is sending the the 'nc' process, which is listening on port 4444. Probably because you're missing the colon before the 4444.

SVG not supported 7:45am Tue 23rd Apr, ANONYMOUS

So after running nc -l 4444, I get this output in terminal GET HTTP 1.1 Host localhost 4444 Connection keep-alive sec-ch-ua "Google Chrome";v "123", "Not A-Brand";v "8", "Chromium";v "123" sec-ch-ua-mobile ?0 sec-ch-ua-platform "macOS" Upgrade-Insec...

SVG not supported 7:43am Tue 23rd Apr, ANONYMOUS

I think it was when I downloaded the files, the calendar.txt was missing (for some unknown reason), so I went back and downloaded it again and checked the files.

SVG not supported 6:03am Tue 23rd Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote Great - what was missing, or what did you have to correct?

SVG not supported 6:02am Tue 23rd Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote That's very odd - which platform? Wondering if you don't have a name mapping to (which would be odd). Can you access - 4444 ?? Ahh, that's where I got up to yesterday before going home; I've marked it as 'Under Co...

SVG not supported 5:49am Tue 23rd Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote Yes, a station will almost certainly need to know (and remember) the names of its neighbour(s), which it can 'learn' simply by ask each neighbour.

SVG not supported 12:17am Tue 23rd Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hello, How much are stations allowed to know about their neighbours? They're allowed to know about bus train destination names obviously. The marking rubric says no station can collate information about the whole transport-network. However, are the st...

SVG not supported 7:59pm Mon 22nd Apr, ANONYMOUS

I managed to get the transperth timetables working, but I can't seem to get the portsinuse to work

SVG not supported 7:53pm Mon 22nd Apr, ANONYMOUS

I'm going through the getting started page of the project, and after running nc -l 4444 for, I can't seem to connect to the localhost 4444. Also, for the, after making the file executable and running it, it giv...

 UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓
SVG not supported 10:05pm Sat 20th Apr, ANONYMOUS

looking for 2 people to team up for the project. Email me at 233 3 0 t d n . w . d . u o o t i u e s , I c n t s e o c n e t t h o a h s 4 4 A s , f r t e b i d r n p r h i e a l s s , a t r m k n h i e e e u a l n u n n t t...

SVG not supported 2:50am Thu 18th Apr, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote Going OK, so far, thanks. Maximum of 4 per team (stated on our unit's front webpage).

SVG not supported 6:25pm Wed 17th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hey Chris, hope your having a good day. Just wanted to ask you about the maximum number of people allowed for each team on the project just so my team doesn't have to kick anyone out by the time the project instructions are released? Thank you

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