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I guess he was wondering whether we should calculate the country that lacks some column. Like some rows have data on GDP, but not homicide. Should we include a valid column in our correlation or just ignore the entire line.
Hello Prof,
When I calculate the Person correlation, there are data as follows
Burundi BDI 2014 831.29486 10494920 5.3740325 59.9 2.905
Burundi BDI 2015 781.5793 10727153 4.2975073 60.2 2.905
Burundi BDI 2016 764.3366 10903329 5.82391 60.8 2.905
Hello Prof Wise,
How can we distinguish if the line is separated using space or if it's just a phrase within spaces? Cos there are different ways to handle data according to these 2 conditions.
Let me take a simple example
Entity Country Co...
Should we consider the other form of the input files as a valid input?
Like cantril data cleaning gdp.tsv homicide.tsv life.tsv
Are we supposed to identify the content in the file or just exit the program due to the unexpected file name?
Yes, I've seen that point. I took a lot of effort to craft a regex to ignore the comma within the quoted fields.
And I'm surprised how challenging it could be, for those CS beginners, but also interesting.
Hello Mr. Michael,
I'm Zeke, working on assignment 1 now. I'm wondering if I could use this syntax to check the validity of the input parameter as I'm not sure if it can be seen as the advanced Linux command. I learned it from the search engine just n...