"Michael Wise" <mi*h*e*.*i*
e@u*a*e*u*a*> wrote:
> ANONYMOUS wrote:
> > Good morning professor,
> > Can i use "find" command to search given file via "tobbaco_nation" command in whole system.
> >
> > Thanks.
> Hi,
> I have no idea how or why one might use the find command in a situation where the input data consists of a single file (not directory). More to the point, you have to be very careful with find as the command can traverse a lot of file-space and, if mishandled, do a lot of damage along the way. In short, not a great idea.
> Cheers
> MichaelW
Hello professor,
I've doubt about searching file into the system. as you mention in the assignment that, user will pass "tobacco_nation <csv data file> < year | country code > < Male | Female >" so, can i assume that whenever user pass the file name, user always provide the full path where file is located.
for example :
1. tobacco_nation "WHO_tobacco_control_tonly.csv" 2000 Male
2. tobacco_nation "~/stud/perm/WHO_tobacco_control_tonly.csv" 2000 Male
Currently i'm assuming 1st scenario. that's why i used find command to search file in whole system.