It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓
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9:28am Mon 8th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hi Professor, I have doubt regarding the standard error display, can we use simply echo to display the standard error or is it neccessary to use /std/dev. and one more is it ok to have .sh file and use #!/bin/bash or the file name should not include .sh. and also during submission we need to zip the files for which what all files need to be included, should we include csv and .sh file?

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10:08am Mon 8th Apr, Michael W.

Hi, There is a little confusion here. For all Bash messages you need to use echo. The only question then is where the message is to be printed. echo "Fred here" will print to stdout (or /dev/stdout). That is the default destination, so you don't have to specify it. However, if you want it to be an error message, and for it to go to standard error , e.g. echo "Error: fred here" > /dev/stderr then you have to explicitly send it to /dev/stderr. Cheers MichaelW

 UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓
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4:05pm Wed 17th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Hi, thank you so much, I am still struggling with comparing floating point, can I convert it to string compare and return the floating value?

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7:34pm Wed 17th Apr, Michael W.

> Hi, > thank you so much, > I am still struggling with comparing floating point, can I convert it to string compare and return the floating value?
The best hint I can offer, short of spelling it out, is to go back to the lectures L1 to L6 (including L5, though the order was swapped). While the efficiency will be poor, you only need to use the language structures and Unix commands, we'd covered to that point, so excluding for/while/etc. Lab 3 gives you the flavour of it. Put another way, I think you may be overthinking this. Cheers MichaelW 👨‍🎨

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