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I am also having problems communicating between devices on the same network (e.g. UnifiIOT). I was developing the python code in WSL2 but after not being able to connect to the server from my phone, I decided to try just running the server program di...
Because the station that determines the best result, possibly by receiving and comparing multiple responses, might not be a neighbour of the original station that started the query.
There are many possible ways to implement this applic...
But what's the issue in simply sending only the original station's network information into the datagram that's been sent out?
If once a response is found, that station can simply just use that information and directly send the response back to the or...
(coincidentally, this was discussed in a tutorial, yesterday)
Stations should not know (or need) the names of all other stations when sending out their queries, other than when identifying a particular destination.
But it is reasonable for each station...
Stations can only communicate with their neighbours, using UDP and their port number provided on the command-line.
A station is not permitted to know the hostname port of any non-neighbouring station, so that information should not be ...
I want to Know whether is allow one station know the every station name(don't know the localtion, don'tknow the timetable, just name), to insure the station check the validity of input.
What data are we actually allowed to send from station to station?
If we start at StationA, can StationA send its UDP hostname and port to the neighboring stations so that overtime a list of visited stations can be built up? Or are we only allowed to ...
Absolutely - as outlined in last week's lecture.
There are ways (but they are very off-topic, and have not been introduced in your degree).
Review last week's lecture, and you'll see you don't require that concurrent execution.
Is it possible to do the C implementation without threading? I am not sure if I am allowed to ask this, but is there a way to run multiple pieces of code concurrently without threads? Sounds dumb but trying to gather any ideas.
ou're welcome to use, change, or ignore any of the scripts and files I've provided, including that HTML page.
I feel it's a simple, useful, change to let the user select the time.
The http request from the generated HTML file does not add a leave time parameter. So do we just use the current time or we can modifiy the HTML to add a parameter for leave time?
(ask me, or my father?)
Yes, you may use fork() , provided that the parent and child only communication using socket-based protocols.
But I'm encouraging you to seriously ask - why do you need a new heavy-weight process, presumably...
After some more reading here
https en-us windows wsl networking
I was sort of right when I said I need to enable some firewall setting. WSL1 lets you do networking out of the box, but WSL2 requires you to port-forward your desire...
I realised that the address printing function was using htons() instead of ntohs(). I changed it, but the ports were still printing unexpected ports. The random ports only appear from outside traffic, and are the same for the duration of the station ...
Hello Sir,
I have started my project implementation using Beej's guide. In the project specification, it states there shouldn't be any reliance on a shared file system or any other inter process communication mechanisms. Beej's guide uses the fork(...
"A local authority has announced it will ban apostrophes on street signs to avoid problems with computer systems."
https news uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68942321
Always difficult to diagnose, but is the receiver converting the port from network-standard-order to host-order before displaying and re-using it?
You do not have to use any of the scripts described linked on the Getting Started page.
They are just provided as, hopefully helpful, suggestions.