It's UWAweek 21 (1st semester, week 12)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS3002 Computer Networks.

Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message. How do I ask a good question?

Chris is away until 4th June. Dr Atif Mansoor is the unit's coordinator until then.
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6:31am Wed 1st May, Christopher M.

> Hello Chris, > > How complex does our UDP packet-loss detection have to be? For example, messages might get split, so we could add packet-joining capability. However, most of the messages exchanged between stations are less than 1000 bytes, so it seems unlikely that messages will need to be split and joined. There's lots of things that we could do to correct packet loss, or to make the protocol more efficient, but I don't want to make it too simple or too complex. What should be the goal for full marks? Is a simple stop-and-wait protocol sufficient?
I suggest that you keep thinking or designing your protocol - I can't imagine any protocol requiring any UDP message between station-servers to be bigger than a few hundred bytes (given that we've defined the maximum station name size to be 60 bytes). Perform a Google search for 'maximum UDP payload', and re-read what UDP provides in terms of delivery correctness. For the project, we're looking for correctness first, with the need for any efficiency almost non-existent.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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