It's UWAweek 4


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4:01pm Wed 27th Mar, Michael W.

"Suan Chuah" <20*0*5*2@s*u*e*t*u*a*e*u*a*> wrote:
> Hi Michael, may you please explain the difference between the usage of dev/null and dev/stderr that you covered in lectures? What is the purpose of using these?
Hi Suan, They are both places where standard output, e.g. from echo, can be redirected. /dev/stderr (don't forget the first '/' ) is standard error output (for error messages), while /dev/null is literally nowhere, a black hole, which simply gobbles up whatever data you send there, and that is used for outputs that you are not interested in seeing, but can't otherwise avoid. Cheers MichaelW

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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