> Hi, just wondering if we could get an update on the status of the project marks? No rush actually getting the marks out, but as far as I remember, the last information we got regarding this was to expect them at the end of last week and so I’d just like some clarity on what to expect now that that time has passed. TIA!
We're still marking :-) Still waiting on the 'manual marking' from one of our 3 markers.
There are 20 projects (from 26 students) that have so many errors that we've "put them aside", and they won't be released along with the other 225 projects (from 338 students). There's also been a surprising (disturbing) number of incomplete submissions, 31 that required changes to compile on Ubuntu/Linux, some missing files that prevented them compiling, and some that have never seen the likes of Linux before. Many students have been contacted by email, but will "give up" on their replies very soon.
And then on to the 411 exam papers.....