It's UWAweek 6


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4:17am Tue 29th Aug, Christopher M.

"Minn Minn Khant Maw" [email protected] wrote:

So should I consider such a thing or am I overthinking it?

I'm presuming that you're storing your value sin integers, 32-bit or 64-bit. From wherever that 875523205136 value came from, it will occupy the same amount of storage, in the same variable, as a value of zero. ??

Because after some thought, I realize I would have to be using up computational power just to update the DataSize field back to 0 for example.

Setting an integer value to zero, will take 1/2000000000th second on a 2GHz laptop. So, yes, you're overthinking this part.

It is often a good practice to initialise all (integer) values to 0 before (if) setting them to their eventual value, so as not to accidentally 'rely' on previous values.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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