It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
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5:32am Mon 16th Sep, Joshua N.

"Samay Gupta" <23*6*5*8@s*u*e*t*u*a*e*u*a*> wrote:
> ml language rule #7 states that "variables do not need to be defined before being used in an expression", is the line number 3 in following ml code legit ml expression/statement? > > x <-5 > print x > y > print y
This is invalid syntax.
>program: > ( program-item )*
A program is made up of zero or more program items.
>program-item: > statement > | function identifier ( identifier )* > ←–tab–→ statement1 > ←–tab–→ statement2 > ....
A program item is either a statement or a function, a function can have zero or more identifiers.
>statement: > identifier "<-" expression > | print expression > | return expression > | functioncall
A statement is either an assignment or a print statement or a return statement or a function call (note there is no expression on their own here).
>expression: > term [ ("+" | "-") expression ]
An expression is a term joined with zero or one expressions with either a plus or a minus (expression is called recursively so this can be infinitely long)
>term: > factor [ ("*" | "/") term ]
A term is a factor joined with zero or one terms with either multiplication or division (also recursive so can be infinitely long).
>factor: > realconstant > | identifier > | functioncall > | "(" expression ")"
A factor is a real constant or identifier or function call or expression surrounded by brackets.
>functioncall: > identifier "(" [ expression ( "," expression )* ] ")"
A function call is an identifier followed by two brackets, inside of which can be zero or one expressions followed by zero or more expressions with a comma between them.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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