It's UWAweek 1


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4:44am Wed 13th Sep, Christopher M.

> THe 1st image is a custom command (200 sleep 100) that produces the 2nd picture's output (583 68). And the 3rd image is the other custom command (201 sleep 100) that produces the 4th picture's output (568 70). > > In the 1st commands output, why does it create a new time quantum when its already reached 400 onCPU? Should it not just do what the 2nd commands ouput does when it reaches onCPU=400, and exit afterwards rather than create a new time quantum?
Whenever a process moved from READY->RUNNING it gets a new timequantum. In your 1st example, this is reported when the process's transition is complete, and the process is now able to (continue) executing. In your 2nd example, the process is already running on the CPU, calculating something, and so doesn't get a new timequantum.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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