It's UWAweek 52


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5:44am Sun 15th Oct, Christopher M.

> I understand that the sample solutions DOES NOT sync empty directories, but it feels as if the syncing should sync over everything including empty directories/folders.
This has (just) been answered here - [help2002] and has been stated multiple times on this forum.
> This is especially true if you aren't using a hashtable and instead using some sort of tree structure where you cannot know whether a directory is empty unless you fully recurse into it and find out.
How (any) solution works is not a property of the chosen data-structure. The contents of (any) data-structure are simply constructed based on what you add to it, and (any) data-structure would(should) be chosen to meet the project's requirements, and the requirements do not change based on the choice of data-structure.
> So is this a hard rule where we must not sync empty directories at all?
Yes, if you wish your submission's output to match that of the sample solution against which it will be marked.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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