It's UWAweek 1


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12:36pm Thu 19th Oct, Christopher M.

> Hi! Just wanted to ask what is the expected function of the program if we provide a directory twice e.g. > > ./mysync [options] Directory1 Directory1 Directory2 > > There's two options I can think of: > 1. Ignore the second "Directory1" > 2. Treat the second "Directory1" as an entirely different directory (even though we know this not to be true)
Firstly, we have said that your project will not be tested with cases where any particular filename appears in/below the same location of multiple top-level directories, and with identical modification times. That case would certainly result if a top-level directory was presented twice. (However, intuitively, if the same top-level directory was presented twice, then nothing would need synchronising, as each directory would be identical to itself).

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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