It's UWAweek 3


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11:41am Fri 20th Oct, Christopher M.

(Most) marks for the 1st project are now available. Congratulations to the 15 students receiving 50/50, and to the 38 students receiving 46/50 or higher. 274 students have a passing mark, so far. [UPDATE, Sat 21st] - average mark after some remarks/corrections - 32.8 / 50 (unfortunately, pulled down by about 2-3 by the penalties of 71 late submissions) If available, you should be able to see your marks and feedback in csmarks ([csmarks]) So far, there are marks recorded for 355 enrolled students, 49 enrolled students appear to have not submitted a 1st project, and the marks of 13 students are still being considered because they could not be compiled, or executed, after (significant) attempts. Projects were marked on a Ubuntu/Linux 23.04 platform, Intel i9 processor, compiled with gcc v12.3.0-1, and linked with C's maths library. Automated tests 4-11 involved comparing the last line of your project's output with the last line of the sample solution's output. Each line reported the total time-on-CPU of all processes, and the overall CPU utilisation (the 'measurements' line). Each test was considered successful if your reported values were within 5% of the sample solution, and executed within 5 seconds. *** Please email me if: - your project is recorded as "not submitted" - but first contact your project partner who has likely forgotten to include your student number in the submission - your feedback sheet is poorly formatted and difficult to read - if ALL of your automated tests have received 0 - it's mostly likely because your last 'measurements' line is missing or incorrectly formatted. - if your believe that a LATE penalty has been incorrectly applied (approved Special Considerations are *still* coming in!), or if your UAAP has been overlooked. I'll be reviewing your email and marks in batches, so please don't expect an immediate reply. DO NOT email me if your project is currently recorded as "not available"; it's still being considered with a view to salvaging some marks. _____ I will (soon) strip the PDF-creating commands from a copy of the marking script so that you can mark your own project against the sysconfig+command files and tests we used.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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Written by [email protected]
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