It's UWAweek 38 (2nd semester, week 8)


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5:04pm Thu 8th Aug, Christopher M.

A student recently emailed me with this related question. Thought the answer may also interest others. ___ Hi Dr.McDonald, I got a question out of interest inspired by a lab question. We know that calculating the floating number is inaccurate in computer. I was thinking how the computing software works like Mathematica, which is wildly used in computing area and its really powerful. I also known Mathematica is written in C and Java. So, how do we solve this kind of problem caused by floating numbers. ___ There's a number of libraries, and programming languages, that support what's termed multi-precision arithmetic, or arbitrary precision arithmetic, supporting both 'infinitely large' integers, and floating-point values with an 'unlimited' number of decimal places. Often these libraries will recognise standard values, such as e, sqrt(2), and 1 / pi as exact values, and perform their arithmetic using symbolic computation, where they can, rather than converting the values to imprecise approximations. Here's a good list: Here's an example of using the standard bc utility to calculate the first 1000 digits of pi: time bc -l <<< "scale=1000;4*a(1)" Hope this helps,

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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Written by [email protected]
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