Hi my name is Noah Gibson.
I am searching for a partner for the first project. I am no coding genius and am new to c this semester but have done a handful of cits units already. I live very close to UWA and am available most afternoons. Looking for a partner with strong communication skills and a similar level of c understanding, who would also be able to meet frequently to work on/discuss the project. My student email is 233*9*0*@*t*d*n*.*w*.*d*.*u (yes i know that's a lot of threes).
Hey everyone,
Seeking for a project partner!
Can do online but prefer if we can at least meet once a week :)
Email me my student id is 24205163
Hi looking for a partner for this project, would prefer to work online/discord but happy to meet at uni if necessary :) Can email me at 234*1*1*@*t*d*n*.*w*.*d*.*u