It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 43 (2nd semester, study break) ↓
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5:48am Tue 24th Oct, Christopher M.

> Hey, posted this question earlier, but it never got a reply for reasons I'm unsure of. So I'm just gonna post it again:
> In the recent weeks we've learned some very interesting coding topics that we can implement in C (inter-process communication, threads, pipes/pipelines, portability, binary trees, etc.). I know in the final exam we can be questioned on the theory of these topics (benefits, limitations, implementation, etc.), but I'm just wondering whether they can actually occur in an examinable coding question, because we haven't had any workshops / labs on any of these topics.
Yes, exam questions on those more recent topics could involve you writing some coded statements, but will not ask you to write whole (short) programs or functions as the programming-focussed questions do. Agreed, we haven't had labs or projects on those more recently presented topics (oh, for a 2-semester unit!), but the abbreviated coded examples in those lectures are there as a way of introducing 'facts' about the concepts, and can all be assessed. Similarly, even if any question does not say "write a program, write a function....", you're welcome to support your answer with any relevant coded examples. It's all knowledge about a concept, and your answer demonstrates your understanding of the concept. For example, you don't need to asked to write a whole thread-based program to explain how a new thread is created and managed, what function(s) are required, and why each of their arguments are required.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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