It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 43 (2nd semester, study break) ↓
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7:13pm Fri 27th Oct, Christopher M.

"Henuka Daluwatta" [email protected] wrote:

Question (one)!

All very good questions, for which I have no answers.

I've been on this "Lab Compute Modernisation Working Group" as our PMC+ENG academic rep., and have been asking closely related questions for months. We've been shown a video and a basic demo of the interface (Windows-only), but it remains unclear if the final product (for Sem-1 2024) will be a stand-alone desktop and mobile app., or used from within a browser. Similarly unclear, which applications run in-the-cloud with their output directed to this interface, or how many/which are downloaded to your device and run on its CPU, and how teaching staff can add/upgrade software and data. These are, of course, common, world-wide activities addressed everywhere, so we're unclear why we can't receive answers. Next meeting, Nov 14th.

But there is an email address to which you should send your questions: [email protected]

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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