It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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5:28pm Thu 24th Aug, Christopher M.

"Asher Blechynden" <23*5*1*3@s*u*e*t*u*a*e*u*a*> wrote:
> The project sheet said no library can be used. I'm just seeking clarification that this dose in fact regard "all" libraries, as not using some of the libraries seem to add great complications to the project that aren't really related to a scheduler. for instance, without the <string.h> library, the parts of files that contain numbers (which are actually numerical strings), can't be interpreted as integers. are we meant to develop our own string interpretation functions?
Let's use the correct terminology (for C), which will keep the questions and answers as clear as possible. Firstly, we're not 'importing' anything. Secondly, <string.h> is not a library - it refers to a text file containing the declaration (not implementation) of string handling functions that are defined (implemented) in the standard C11 library. The project sheet says "Your project must not depend upon any libraries (such as 3rd-party downloaded from the internet) other than your system's standard library (providing OS, C, and POSIX functions)"

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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