It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 30 (2nd semester, week 1) ↓
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5:37am Sat 29th Jul, Christopher M.

> In today's Workshop, I noticed there was a minor difference between what "man ls" displayed on my terminal (WSL) and the one shown on iTerm. I have attached two pictures showing the differences. It's nothing major, just the wording on some things and the layout.
Firstly (because I'm a bit of a pedant about using the correct terminology) it's not WSL that's providing the online manual that you're reading. WSL is a program enabling you to run a Linux distribution 'inside' WSL. Ubuntu is one such distribution, but there's other you could try and choose: So that manual for 'ls' is the manual for the very ls program running on the Ubuntu (presuming) that you're running.
> However, I did notice that the macOS version shows more information than WSL. Aside from finding the documentation online, is there a way for my terminal to show the content shown on macOS. I'd assume there probably isn't but it would be nice to.
There'll always be the chance of differences, and there'll be some commands for which the Linux manual is better/more-descriptive. But reading the *correct* manual entry for the system you'r using remains important, they describe different features for programs with the same name: - macOS: ls -B "Force printing of non-printable characters" - Linux: ls -B "do not list implied entries ending with ~" I don't believe that there's a set of macOS manual entries available over the web (at least not a legal copy). macOS manuals are distributed as part of macOS itself, or (included) with Apple's application Xcode, and Apple restricts such software to its own hardware. Many macOS manuals are still closely related to their original BSD versions, and there were some manuals available as part of Apple's OpenDarwin project, but that now seems abandoned since Apple released their Apple-Silicon processors.

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