It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
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4:58am Mon 28th Aug, Christopher M.

"Joshua Trainer" <23*6*7*9@s*u*e*t*u*a*e*u*a*> wrote:
> I've been going through the help forum, the project sheet and the lecture material and my partner and I can't make heads or tails of this project and was hoping you could explain it in simpler terms. > > My current understanding is that the sysconfig contains device names and their respective speeds and the commands file contains processes to be completed which may or may not call on the devices such as copying a file of X size, which is then determined by the time duration allocated and calculated with the read and write speed of the storage drive to determine its completion time. The myscheduler is the program which calculates the total time for all of the processes to be completed and prioritises the processes on which needs the least time to be completed.
Your understanding is pretty complete, other than the "prioritises the processes on which needs the least time to be completed", so I'm unsure why you describe things as "can't make heads or tails of this project"?? I don't believe it's the sort of thing that can be described in much simpler terms, other than "we're emulating a 5-state pre-emptive scheduling model that is configured by attributes in 2 input files". Many of the concepts/factors you've identified in your 2nd paragraph are defined in more detail in lectures and the recommended reading.
> How extensive do the sysconfig and commands files need to be as I saw in a thread there are many other commands to be included. My partner and I will be attending the lab sessions on Monday so if it is better to be explained in person then we are available.
You should experiment with your sysconfig and commands files to test each of the (6) system-calls, and different sleeping and I/O timings that permit multiple processes to be in the system and each making progress towards their termination.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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