It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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11:02am Thu 31st Aug, Jacob R.

Yeah, of course. I just know some people really dislike global variables within programs and will actively try to get rid of them at the expense of readability. As it is, I've used a struct containing double pointers instead of global variables for the functions that require access to most or all of them, and then the other functions only receive pointers or double pointers as required by them based on whether they need to edit the value outside of the function. I mean my program already made use of a lot of pointers and malloc, so I don't believe its readability has been changed a lot, and it definitely comes down to who's reading it and their experience. Of course. Designing the project without pointers would make some aspects of it more difficult, but I'm excited to see how it turns out, and the progress that is made on the sample solution. With "the scope of the variable is almost global or global", I was referring to the necessary scope of the variable and whether it needed to be changed or read by most functions or if it could easily just be passed as an argument. Thanks Chris.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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