It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 36 (2nd semester, mid-semester break) ↓
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"...all 14 Toyota assembly plants in Japan faced an unexpected stoppage on August 29. It was all thanks to a breakdown of a key computer system responsible for ordering vehicle parts for Toyota factories. The cause of the problem? A full hard drive. ... Toyota stated that during routine database maintenance the day before the incident, "data that had accumulated in the database was deleted and organized, and an error occurred due to insufficient disk space." Like any diligent organization, Toyota had a backup in place, but as it was running "on the same system," a similar failure occurred and it could not be switched into operation. This failure brought all of Toyota's Japanese factories screeching to a halt in short order. Eventually, the system was transferred to a server with excess storage capacity, and the assembly plants were able to resume operations."

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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