It's UWAweek 50


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
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5:08pm Tue 19th Sep, Christopher M.

> I know the announcement said that no solutions will be provided but will we get a guide as to how the marking will be done for the questions?
As the announcement says - "The final lecture, on Tues 17th October, will discuss how the exams are marked, and look at questions from last year's final examination." so, yes, we'll be looking at how the marking is done.
> will we do practice papers in the workshop?
There is no workshop, there's the standard 45-minute lecture on a Tuesday, during which we'll explain how the questions are marked, and look at the questions on the 2022 paper. As each question takes (roughly) 120/5 minutes to complete there won't be time in that lecture to attempt the questions during that lecture. But you're encouraged to read the questions before that lecture, and possibly try them yourself.
> will we be able to check out the code against something?
Not really, as that would constitute providing sample solutions. But you're most welcome to post questions about the exam and to post your own solutions on this forum, to encourage feedback/discussion with other students.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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