> 1. I was testing the sample solution and when I enabled "-a" the output of the program still showed that it was skipping the "." and ".." directories - is this incorrect or is my understanding of the project requirements wrong?
I strongly suggest that you review what those '.' and '..' entries are (Lecture 15).
> 2. What is meant to happen synchronising with both -a and -r enabled (and -n option not enabled). My first thought is that the syncing would recursively "enter" and synchronise the ".." directories
> i.e. sync .., ../.., ../../.. etc. (in which case the whole computer will be synced!!!). However, from checking ls -a -R, it appears that the ".." directory isn't "entered"/scanned when -an and -r are both provided. Just wanted to ask for some clarity on this - given that I can't test this using the sample solution (as the zip file we provide would only be the top-level directory and wouldn't provide the file structure ".."?)
Reviewing what those '.' and '..' entries are will answer your question.
Running the sample solution shows the correct 'treatment' of those entries.