It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
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1:33pm Mon 16th Oct, Christopher M.

At this morning's lecture I was surprised that so few students had any knowledge of the changes occurring within computing labs, across campus, from 1st semester 2024. I have just checked, and this information was sent to all enrolled students, and possibly added to LMS, about 10 days ago. ___________ The information from UWA's Lab Compute Modernisation Project Team: UWA is further digitising the learning and teaching environments across its campuses in 2024. From Semester 1, the bring your own device (BYOD) and virtual desktop initiative will be rolled out. This will involve many of the computers in labs and libraries across our campuses being removed to allow for virtual access to UWA’s systems and applications. Students and academics will be required to bring their own device to campus and access systems though a web-based portal using single sign-on. Benefits: + The virtual desktop can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, both on campus and remotely. + Greater flexibility and faster access to specialised software from devices. + Creates a better user experience with more reliable upgrades to UWA’s systems. + Lab spaces can be scaled up for a wider range of teaching and learning experiences. Once connected, the virtual desktop behaves in the same way as a regular computer. The virtual desktop will be accessible from personal devices running Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android operating systems. To ensure equitable education, UWA will provide long-term loan laptops and the ability to apply for permanent ownership of a new laptop, to students in financial need through the SOS IT Equipment Scheme. Students who require support can submit an online form. If students simply forget to bring their device to campus, short term loan laptops will be available from the Reid and Barry J Marshall Libraries. Students can access a laptop for the duration of the day (same day return) by swiping their Campus Card to check out and return the device. Penalties will apply for late returns or damaged devices. Any questions? lab*c*m*u*e*m*d*r*i*a*i*n*i*@*w*.*d*.*u*

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The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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