It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


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 UWA week 30 (2nd semester, week 1) ↓
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> According to the above article, C is the most efficient one
Yes, that's what it's reporting in its Table 4. And from that table, it's easy to explain why - if an equivalent Python program takes 70x longer to execute, and Python is still executing as fast as it can on the same CPU, then it'll execute roughly 70x more CPU instructions, requiring roughly 70x more energy. Here's the original 2017 conference publication: Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages - How Does Energy, Time, and Memory Relate? Keep in mind, though, that there's been some impressive improvements in languages' speed since 2017, such as the recent announcement from MIT in March, for a constrained subset of Python: Python-based compiler achieves orders-of-magnitude speedups ___ Love the quote: "In the past 12 months, Google users in America have searched for Python more often than for Kim Kardashian.”

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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